Is a christian based non profit organization a response for meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the growing number of children needy/orphaned by the AIDS epidemic, war, malaria and hunger. Who never had any opportunity for education and the school drop outs in our society who would go no were. The organization is a faith-based organization of Born again Pentecostal Christian founded by Pastor Hassan Mubiru. Registration No: CR / 223 /03/0001
Our vision
We at Open Heart Orphanage Ministry we want to realize the full potential of our children. We want to ensure that they will be able to reintegrate their community as healthy, happy, responsible and independent adults.
Our mission
Open Heart Orphanage Ministry's mission is to cooperate and collaborate with local authorities and members of the community to offer a chance at life and a new start to orphans and other endangered children. We aim to give them a first-class education, access to necessary health services and, above all, the opportunity to grow up healthy and happy in a safe, caring, warm and familial environment.
To provide housing, food, clothing, give basic education and medical assistance to orphans and street children whose parents are widows, either, poor or abandoned.
To see the less privileged (orphans, AIDS, orphans etc.) going back to school, getting food and shelter and knowing God. Sports development raises awareness of sporting disciplines and imparts skills to individuals and communities.
To promote destitute children for self employment among youth through vocational training, tailoring, hair dressing among others.
To start a vocational school for woodwork and computer training that will enable the centre first to train the needy/orphaned and to generate income to meet some of the expenditure and sustain its self.
To build a school that will serve the orphaned/needy children in the in the community
To establish medical facilities and provide treatment to the needy
To mobilize, develop and apply available resources to promote the objectives of the organization.
To promote HIV/AIDS awareness among all members of our community.
To provide local and international adoptions for abandoned children.
To help educate orphans and the underprivileged by running as scholarship, building and running schools and orphanages.
Receiving and disbursing of funds and other donations for scholastic materials school uniforms and any other related items.
Establishing Educational, Rehabilitation and Orphanages centre all over the country.
Training of leaders and equipping them with skills in the education sector.
To establish and manage projects for orphans, widows and other disadvantaged people.
To organize community groups among urban poor for enhanced livelihood options.
To promote collective action through community based organization for economic and social purposes.
To strengthen capacity of communities for participatory activities for economic empowerment by enhancing their livelihood opportunities and incomes through farm and non-farm activities.
To promote market linkages for agricultural and rural non- farm products of the community based organizations of the poor.
To promote community driven development interventions for fostering equity in the distribution of wealth, natural resources and common facilities.
To support a program of activities that promote and encourages the formation and sustainable growth of social and civil society organizations, groups and societies concerned with the constitutional and legal rights of workers, and the legal rights of fishermen, farmers, women, children, youth, the elderly, the disabled, marginalized sections of the society and other disadvantaged social groups.
To train and provide facilities , equipment for training of young people in developmental projects such as carpentry, farming, IT &Computer skills, agricultural inputs, seeds, to mention but a few in order to achieve the said goals and objectives.
To train and educate people, members and non- members on living by working with their own hands or limbs using the available resources in their communities or elsewhere in the country or world at large in order to earn some money which could be used for their day today good living.
To sensitive and teach community on how to start up and developmental and income generating projects such as;
1). Farming, poultry, animal rearing
2). Hairdressing
3). Tailoring
4). Building and construction
5). Catering
6). Computer literacy
7). Adult education
To operate vocational training centres to empower the youth to live productive and meaningful styles.
Maintenance, regeneration and improvement of the communities’ physical, economic, social and cultural infrastructure.
Advancement of educational and training, arts, culture, heritage, sports, recreation, environmental improvement, social and economic wellbeing.
To manage community land and associated assets for the benefit of the community and the public in general as an important part of the protection sustainable development of Uganda’s natural environment.
To establish, maintain, develop and/or operate a centre or centres providing facilities for childcare, community learning, healthy living initiatives, educational and cultural activities, training activities, leisure pursuits and accommodation for community groups, third sector organizations and public sector agencies which provide services of benefit to the community, and which may include refreshment facilities.
To advise in relation to, prepare, organize, conduct and/or support training courses, educational and training events and activities of all kinds.
To design, prepare, publish and/or distribute information packs, leaflets, books, newsletters, magazines, posters, and other publications, audio visual recordings, multimedia products and displays materials, and to create and maintain a website or websites.
To organize or ensure the provision of suitable training courses and qualifications designed to promote competence in the marketing, distribution and retailing of veterinary medicines, in the handling and use of veterinary medicines and in related activities, including those concerned with animal health products and related products.
To carry out activities to educate the community on relevant social and economic issues such as human rights, health, and to carry out construction of schools, roads and social centres.
To advance a program of activities that assist local, rural or urban communities in engaging in income generating production projects.
To develop a program of activities that aim to provide supervised micro-credit schemes to community groups for the implementation of income generating projects.
To advocate for a program of activities that promotes among Ugandans multi- cultural citizens, patriotism and national consciousness as Ugandans over and above identity at the ethnic level.
To campaign for activities that aim at the promotion of participation of women in all spheres of national development and that promotes gender awareness issues and sanctity.
To establish foster family resource centre to provide information, accommodation, education, research and recreational facilities to vulnerable children and caregivers.
To promote community based health care, nutrition, water and environmental sanitation among people in communities.
To empower the needy members of the community to participate in income generating activities for social- economic transformation of their homesteads.
To enhance preventive measures against AIDS/HIV and to promote initiative among communities, members for the care of those individuals and families affected by AIDS.
To operate a revolving micro-finance scheme for poverty eradication among the society and children ‘s foster families.
To offer marriages, home and family counseling services to the church, society, and members of the communities.
To establish children’s foster homes and take care of the vulnerable children in communities.
To apply to any international body, Government or authority, public organization.
To promote and undertake research into social development and welfare needs and services either at the request of non-government or government authorities or on its own initiative.
To develop and carry out policies and program designed to contribute to the elimination of poverty and distress and to improve social conditions in the community particularly in respect of disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals and groups.
To promote consultation and co-operation between, government and non-government organizations in all fields of social welfare and with this purpose, to act as a co-coordinating body.
To promote public health among people in Uganda, educate the masses on the improvement of health in any way acceptable by law since to achieve development the mind should be healthy a healthy mind is a healthy body and this can be achieved through seminars, conferences, workshops, and teaching in schools and communities in both rural and urban etc.
To engage in group work such as farming, trade, circle or group contributions towards the achievements of development goals.
To carry out research or any research work on any issue either for charity or commercial as the situation may deem fit.
To write winning proposals to different bodies whether government or non- government with a view of archiving their set goals.
To carry out any charitable work to alleviate human suffering to the general public in any part of Uganda for the sake of promoting organization work.
To help and teach rural and urban people especially women and the youth on how to keep good health within and outside their families like taking their children for immunization, maintain good body hygiene.
To bridge the gap between bodies and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the objects or of similar charitable purpose and to exchange information and advise with them both within and outside Uganda.
To provide commercial and charitable services, food, clothing, shelter and other basic necessities of life to the under privileged in rural or urban communities and their families as need may be.
To build or setup counseling or training or office or branches or centre in rural areas and all such other places dedicated to the well-being of community members especially women to enable easy access to health facilities.
To link or act as agents for any available work from any organization, government or non-government, registered or non-registered, group or individuals at such a fees or not as the situation may deem fit.
To enhance and promote government plans to individuals incase need arises or as may be approached to do so.
To undertake income-generating activities aimed at funding the activities of the organizations and to equip communities with entrepreneur skills.
To borrow or lend money with a view of or aiming a increasing on the available funds to start up group development project as a way of alleviating poverty among themselves.
To raise funds, invite and receive contributions form from well-wishers, individuals, organizations, groups’ and so on.
To buy, hire or otherwise acquire any property necessary for the achievement of the organizations’ objects and to equip and ensure their maintenance.
To sell or otherwise dispose of all or any part of the property of the organization either when it has depreciated or need to increase on the available funds.
To co-operate with other organizations, charities, institutions, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the objects or of similar charitable purpose and to exchange information and advice with them both within and outside Uganda.
To carry out any activities as shall be decided from time to time in the promotion of the primary objectives of the organization and do all other things as incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives or any of them.
Charity Registered non profit Organization CR / 223 /03/0001 Plot 75 Mityana Kampala Road P.o.Box 117 Mityana Uganda-East Africa Email: website: